Probate & Trust Department


The core of the Department's services

1. Probate and Administration actions;
2. Drafting and preparing wills and advising on the related issues;
3. Advising on suitable trust arrangements,including preparation of all necessary documentation as well as setting up of trusts for clients;
4. Advising on succession, administration and distribution of estate;
5. Coordinating administration of estates,including handling applications for grant of probate and letters of administration and drafting all necessary documentation; (eg: Deed of Family Arrangement, Assent for change of ownership of property);
6. Obtaining an estate duty clearance; and
7. Successions to New Territories landed properties.













Address : 4th, 15th & 16th Floors, Wings Building, 110-116 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 2543-5666
Fax : 2815-6068


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